Kitchen Disasters Happen, But Never Apologize For Them!

Are you one of those confirmed Kitchen Disasters? Do you relate to the phrase “She couldn’t even boil an egg”? Did you ever buy an “easy” or “yes I can” cookbook, only to discover “No, I really can’t”? Have the words, “Don’t worry, I know what I’m doing. I saw this on…” ever crossed your lips, much to the chagrin of your friends and loved ones? Then June 13th is your day! It’s Kitchen Klutzes of America Day!

Life is messy. Live on the lighter side of life today and don’t sweat your kitchen disasters. Acknowledge that Julia Child, Rachael Ray, Paula Dean, Bobby Flay and Wolfgang Puck have a finesse that you’ll never acquire no matter how closely you follow their instructions. Stand proudly and embrace your kitchen disasters today! As the saying goes, “There’s no use crying over spilled milk!”


Did you ever see the movie Sabrina and sympathize with Audrey Hepburn and her soufflé debacle, when she forgets to turn on the oven? Or cringe and feel horrified for Amy Adams in the movie Julie & Julia when she has a meltdown in her kitchen? Take Julia Child’s advice in the movie when she proclaimed, “Never apologize!”


Top Five Tips To Help You Avoid Common Kitchen Disasters

To prevent you from becoming the next Kitchen Klutz of America, here are the Top 5 Cooking Tips that will help you avoid your next culinary debacle!

  1. Don’t Substitute Ingredients: Yes, there is a difference between baking soda and baking powder! They are NOT interchangeable and will make a profound difference in the outcome of your culinary creations.
  1. A Timer IS Necessary: If you really believe that you will remember to check the oven in 35 minutes, you are wrong. Short of sitting on a chair and staring at the oven door for the duration of the cooking time, you will walk away and burn your gourmet meal in the making.
  1. Protect Yourself: News flash – ovens are hot! We’ve all probably burned our arms or fingers getting something out of the oven. Use hot mitts rather than a towel or hot pad, because your hands will be better protected. And, open the oven door all the way. It’s hot and should be far away from you when you reach in.
  1. Use a Colander: How many times have you thought that you could drain the pasta with the lid of the pot and your pasta falls into the garbage disposal? I know I’m not alone on these types of kitchen disasters and have picked my share of macaroni out of the sink!
  1. Don’t Guess Measurements: If a recipe calls for a teaspoon, don’t put in a tablespoon. If you don’t remember conversions and the mathematics of proper measurement of ingredients for making multiple batches of foods, there are many cheats, kitchen aids and phone apps available to you. Help yourself. Use them!

Share these tips to avoid kitchen disasters with your friends who are accident prone kitchen klutzes. If you are known for your kitchen disasters, try having a sense of humor about it. Laugh if you spill milk today. When you break a dish or glass, use the pieces to make a mosaic. If you spill flour all over the counter, write notes to your kids or husband with your finger in it. Just remember that whatever happens, know you tried, and confidently go forth saying you nailed it today!

Want to commemorate your monumental kitchen disasters to reminisce and laugh about them? Check out kitchen and food themed ornaments that can be personalized to memorialize your favorite moments!


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About Dianne Weller

Proud Owner of I’ve been in the business of buying Christmas decorations and gifts since the early 1980’s. Our web site,, was launched in 1999. Now, 20 years later, we’re proud to say we’re the largest seller of personalized ornaments on the Internet!

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