How to Celebrate Christmas Eve: What Do You Do?

Are you looking for a new Christmas Eve tradition? Follow my tips below!

Christmas Eve is one of the single most exciting days of the year! While Christmas might be the most fun with rushing down the stairs to see what Santa has left, Christmas Eve is all about passing the time joyously.

Many families have traditions for Christmas Eve, while others might be looking for new traditions. For newly weds, new parents and other families that have gone through a recent change, this is a wonderful opportunity to bring each other together before the new year!

What Do People Do On Christmas Eve?

For those who don’t have Christmas traditions or celebrate other holidays throughout the winter, many people wonder: What do you do on Christmas Eve? If Christmas is such a huge celebration, then why does the night before have a special name for it, too?

An angel Christmas ornament, perfect for a memorial towards a loved one. | OrnamentShop.comReligiously, Roman Catholics celebrate Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve, a traditional ceremony which marks the birth of Christ. Jesus is said to have been born during the night before Christmas, calling for a special name and celebration for Christmas Eve.

If your family does not celebrate Christmas Eve or strongly recognize the birth of Christ, I have a few fun recommendations to help you also get excited for Christmas!

3 Christmas Eve Traditions for Your Family

1. Save a special decoration for last.

Some families use an advent calendar or a decorative nativity scene with a Mary and mule totem to represent each day closer to Christmas. On Christmas Eve, those with an advent calendar will eat their second to last piece of chocolate and those with a decorative stable will move Mary beside the manger with baby Jesus.

In your family, you can also wait to put up curtain decorations until tonight, such as certain personalized An Elf Christmas ornament, perfect for kids who love the movie. | OrnamentShop.comChristmas ornaments that mean the most over the holidays. This way, everyone in the family will be present for placing them where they belong.

2. Watch Christmas movies together.

One of my favorite Christmas traditions is bundling up with a cup of hot cocoa and watching my favorite Christmas movies. Some of my favorite family Christmas movies include A Christmas Story, Elf, Home Alone, How The Grinch Stole Christmas, and Frosty the Snowman!

This is a laid-back family activity that can even get the kids to bed early so they’re ready for Santa the next day.

3. Take a night time trip to observe holiday lights.

Light bulb Christmas ornaments in red, blue and green. | OrnamenttShop.comIn some places, it’s tradition to drive through neighborhoods and view your neighbor’s lights. Everyone places decorations outside this time of year, and some homes even turn into spectacles with music choreographed themes or walkthroughs.

Even if your neighborhood doesn’t become an attraction each year, your family can go for a stroll or an evening drive to have fun enjoying and being thankful for the holiday cheer.

What is your family’s favorite Christmas Eve tradition? Share with us in the comments below!

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