How Australians Celebrate Christmas In The Land Down Under

If right now, you’re wrapped in a warm blanket with a cold nose and shivering, you’ll want to know How Australians Celebrate Christmas!  Because the land down under is entirely situated below the equator, it is warm and balmy for the holiday season.  Kangaroos aren’t the only thing hopping in Australia that time of year.  Due to the blustery cold winters up North, many vacationers spent Christmas in Australia.  But, we warn you!  It’s so warm at that time of year that even Aussies seek relief from the heat and congregate at the beach on Christmas Day!

See How Australians Celebrate Christmas In A Warm Weather Climate

As continues its global look at Christmas traditions, we focus our lens on how Australians celebrate Christmas, and the splendor of “carols by candlelight.” During this annual Aussie tradition, people congregate in parks, schools, churches and concert halls before Christmas to sing Christmas carols while holding tapered candles.

How Australians Celebrate Christmas Carols by Candlelight

The way Australians celebrate Christmas is a unique delight you should experience.  Every year, TV broadcasts feature Sydney’s Royal Botanical Gardens and Speers Point Park at Lake Macquarie.  There, tens of thousands of people gather to sing carols by candlelight. In addition, the flickering candles create a spectacular sight, rivaled only by the reflection of the light against the gentle waves of the water.

Traditions Show How Australians Celebrate Christmas

Aussies are proud of their tradition of making “crackers”.  They fill cardboard or paper rolls with hard candy, wrapped chocolates or small toys. Children and adults twist and pull these little gems apart, releasing a festive cracking or popping sound. The crackers are not only for children.  Even adults love that popping sound and the joy is shared among multiple generations in families.

How Australians Celebrate Christmas Crackers

How Australians celebrate Christmas always begins with festive families gathering around the barbie.  Therefore, they cook up grilled lamb chops, sausage, roast or pork.  Then, they complement these main dishes with additional cold meats, seafood and salads. Few Christmas feasts are complete without vegemite, a thick black yeast extract that spices up many Australian dishes.

As you’ll learn from our ongoing series of worldwide Christmas traditions, Australia isn’t the only country that basks in warm temperatures at Christmastime. But it may be the only place on earth where Santa regularly trades his plush suit and boots for shorts and sandals.  Instead of hitching up a sleigh with reindeer, the Australian Santa Claus keeps company with a cluster of koala bears.

How Australians Celebrate Christmas Santas

Read our full article about Christmas in Australia at Ornament Shop if you want to learn more about how Australians celebrate Christmas.  And better yet: share the article with friends or co-workers via Twitter or Facebook!  If you visit the land down under, buy a Personalized Australia Christmas Ornament to commemorate the experience.

How Australians Celebrate Christmas Ornaments

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