Goodbye Winter: The Story of Frosty the Snowman

Join us as we recall this playful holiday song that marks the end of winter!

We’re in the last full week of winter, and this season has gone by so quickly. Here in Chicago, for the first time in all the 146 years we’ve tracked the weather, there was no snowfall in January and February!

Now that it’s March, plenty of snow is suddenly falling, but I suspect it’ll soon warm up and melt away with a new season right around the corner.

While spring is such a joyful season, it’s also a bit sad to say goodbye to winter. That’s why this time of year reminds me of one of my favorite Christmas songs: Frosty the Snowman.

frosty-snowman-family-ornamentThe Story of Frosty

Frosty the Snowman is a popular holiday song that you may have heard carolers sing around Christmas time. You may have also watched the classic movie about this story on television.

As the story goes, a group of children playing in the snow build a snowman. They soon find a magical silk hat, and when they put it on Frosty’s head, he comes to life!

The children play with frosty all day around the snowy hills, laughing and chasing each other, until Frosty realizes how hot the sun has become. He tells the children, “Let’s run and we’ll have some fun now before I melt away.”

red-nose-snowman-ornamentThe children and Frosty then decide to run into the village. Here, they meet a traffic cop who hollers at them, “Stop!” At this point in the story, Frosty becomes aware of how he doesn’t belong with the children anymore.

In the holiday special, Frosty the Snowman, the children try to explain to the traffic cop that Frosty doesn’t understand he can’t walk in the street, but in the original song, Frosty only pauses a moment and then waves goodbye.

Hurrying away over the snowy hills, Frosty tells his friends, “Don’t you cry, I’ll be back again some day!”

snowman-red-coat-birdhouse-ornamentEach year, my children would build their own snowman and dress him up the same way as the children in this story. Bringing Frosty to life as a tradition lets us enjoy the story in our own way.

To make your own Frosty, all you need is two eyes made out of coal, a button nose, a corncob pipe, and a silk hat. Oh, and of course, let’s not forget the snow!

When Frosty eventually melts away, it’s ok, because we get to have fun building him again next year.

Do you build your snowmen like Frosty? If not, what else did you add? Tell us in the comments below!

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