Glass Ornaments

Glass Ornament

While millions and millions of glass ornaments have been produced since they were first created in
Lauscha, Germany, in 1847 there probably aren’t all that many left.

They’re shiny and all sorts of creatures big and small want to touch, smell or eat
them as they hang on a Christmas tree.

Unfortunately, touching can unhook them from their little hangers. If you’re fortunate,
the ornament will fall into welcoming branches. If you’re not, you end up with a
bunch of very tiny examples of an amorphous (non-crystalline) solid material, that
once were a whole in the shape of a ball (or bauble as they’re know in the ornament
business), a Santa, or even a pickle.

Keeping kitty or fido out of the room where the tree and its ornaments reside is
one obvious answer. Those folding “child-proof” gates should do the
trick – and should keep curious toddlers out as well. If it doesn’t work to keep
small children away from the tree then try keeping the glass ornaments on the highest
branches – and make sure there is nothing easy to climb on anywhere in the room.
You can always put non-breakable ornaments on the lowest branches – or even consider
making some garland with your toddler… the kind you made in pre-school …
with strips of construction paper glued together and linked to make a chain.

Getting glass ornaments to stay safe year after year can pose additional problems.
Several of the plastic container companies are now marketing storage boxes specifically
designed to keep glass – and other – ornaments safe for future generations. Wrap
each ornament in acid-free paper (there are some store-brands of computer printer
paper – Office Depot for one – that are an inexpensive source) – or try microwave-safe
paper towels. The idea is to cushion the ornament while not creating an environment
where the wrong chemicals in the paper or too much humidity might harm the materials
that make the ornament colorful and special.

And, don’t forget… you’re on the right site to find a whole bunch of glass
ornaments that make excellent decorations or gifts.

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