Fan Favorites – Wedding Season, Doughnut Day, Gingerbread Day

Check out the most popular ornaments we shared in June! Were these your favorites, too?

June marks the time of year when children are out of school and everyone is thinking about summer vacations! With so many beautiful days, it’s been a blessing spending this past month with our fans at Ornament Shop. I hope you’ve enjoyed our celebrations as much as I have.

Top 5 Celebrations

As always, in case you missed our special ornaments from June, I’ve collected the highlights here.

1. Wedding Season

A collection of wedding ornaments hand-chosen and personalized by a shopper |

One of our customers purchased an ornament gift set for a lucky newlywed couple! These ornaments represent the couple’s personalities and new bond together. They’ll hang on the husband and wife’s first Christmas tree as a new family. We were so excited to receive this order and had to share it on social media!

2. Doughnut Day

A plate of doughnuts with a hidden donut ornament | OrnamentShop

Did you know that doughnut can also be spelled “donut?” The latter is an American spelling of the word that’s become popular due to the franchise Dunkin’ Donuts! No matter how you spell it, this holiday was fun because you had to spot the glass confection in our picture. Can you find the classic donut?

3. Gingerbread Day

A gingerbread house decoration and a gingerbread cookie ornament that says I love you |

It was so refreshing to see a bit of Christmas spirit in June! National Gingerbread Day was June 5th this year, and proves it doesn’t have to be the holiday season for you to enjoy a gingerbread snack.

4. Catfish Day

Three fishing ornaments: One with a fishing chair, another with a fisherman's vest, and a third with a large fishing pretending to reel in a human |

Catfish are so common that they have all kinds of nicknames including polliwogs, chuckleheads and mudcats! If you love to fish, you’ve certainly run into a few of these and have fun memories that might be expressed with an ornament.

5. Eyewear Day

Two superhero kid ornaments wearing capes and masks, and a one-eyed minion ornament | OrnamentShop

Glasses are fun to wear and help you express your unique style. More importantly, they help you to see! Even superheroes and awesome movie characters wear glasses.

Which were your favorite ornaments from this month? Share in the comments below!

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About Dianne Weller

Proud Owner of I’ve been in the business of buying Christmas decorations and gifts since the early 1980’s. Our web site,, was launched in 1999. Now, 20 years later, we’re proud to say we’re the largest seller of personalized ornaments on the Internet!

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