Hand-Made Christmas Ornament Contest Update

2011 Christmas Ornament

In order to allow more time for people to enter our Hand-Made Christmas Ornament Contest, we have made the following changes:

New Deadline:  All categories will have the same deadline:  December 3, 2011.   This applies to the children, teenagers, and adult categories.

New Prizes:  Each winner in the 3 categories will win a $50 OrnamentShop.com gift certificate, plus an adorable personalized snowman Christmas ornament, which is shown.  This will allow each winner to select the ornaments of their choice and includes personalization!  One honorable mention winner in each category will receive a $20 Ornament Shop.com gift certificate.

Voting:  Visitors to our Facebook page will be able to view and vote immediately for their favorite ornament.  Instructions can be found there.

New Announcement Date of Winners:  December 5th

How to Add Your Picture to The Facebook Page:  Go to the Ornament Shop Facebook page
Click on the “Wall” on left side of page, select “Share – Photo” in middle top of page, click on “Upload a Photo”, select an image file on your computer by clicking the “Browse” icon, go to picture and double click.

There is still plenty of time to participate in the Hand-Made Christmas Ornament Contest, sponsored by OrnamentShop.com. Honorable mentions selected by Dianne Weller, Owner of Ornament Shop.com, will be based on creativity and the material used.

There are categories for children, teenagers, and adults so everyone can participate!

Entering is easy. Simply use any materials such as dough, clay, wood, fabric, glass, paper, ceramic or anything else you want to use as a medium.  Submit a photograph of your ornament, the amount of time spent to make it, and the story or inspiration behind your creation.

Winners get their Christmas ornaments featured on Facebook and Ornament Shop.com, receive the $50 first prize gift certificate for each category or $20 for winning the Honorable Mention prize in each category as well as receive the Snowman 2011 Personalized Award Christmas Ornament with their name and date!

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