The 2017 Guide To Sending Christmas Cards

The Holiday Season is upon us which means it’s time for Christmas Cards! This is the season of giving to others, drinking hot chocolate and visiting with loved ones. It is a great time to catch up with people you may have lost touch with.

A long-honored method of checking in during the holiday season is sending Christmas cards. Here are some of your options when it comes to deciding how you want to mailing out your Christmas cards this year.

Make Your Own Christmas Cards

DIY crafts are gaining popularity with websites like Pinterest dedicated to the crafty-minded. With the vast selection of papers, design cutters, and craft accessories available in even general stores, anyone has access to the supplies necessary to make a beautiful holiday card.

The appeal of handmade Christmas cards is that they are extremely personal and one-of-a-kind. You get to shape every decision around your personality and that of the recipient. Color scheme, design, message, even the envelope design. The entire card is your creation, and therefore will be extremely special to the person you’re sending it to. It’s like sending a bit of yourself along with the holiday greeting.

Christmas Cards - Make Cards


Technology allows us many conveniences, and that extends to Christmas cards. Instead of struggling to get your cards all finished and in the mail before the holiday rush, you can send Christmas eCards.

By sending a Christmas eCard, you get all the personalization of a homemade card, plus instant delivery. No worrying about things getting lost in the mail. You can even choose to get an email confirmation when recipients open the card.

eCards allow you to personalize the design and message of your Christmas cards with exact precision. If your mind is creative but you never seem to be able to make arts and crafts turn out as great as you envision, let the computer do some of the work for you. You can also send the message in a custom “envelope” and choose from tons of cute address and postage stamp options.

Christmas Cards - eCards

Image courtesy of Punchbowl, Inc.


The point of Christmas cards is to send a bit of the holiday season to those you love. You can also use it as a chance to update them on how your life is going. Include a picture of you and the family along with a short summary of what’s going on with the kids. Any job changes or moves can be announced. You can also just wish a happy holiday season and say how much you look forward to the next time you see them.

Your Christmas cards message is entirely up to you. You can format it as a short letter, or go creative with a poem. Include a holiday quote to give it some weight.

You have a lot of options when it comes to sending your Christmas cards greetings. Remember that whatever you choose, as long as you make deliberate decisions you are sure to bring a smile to someone’s face. And that’s the whole point of the holiday season, right? So spread some Christmas cheer today!

DIY Christmas Cards

About the Author

This post was written for you by Stephanie Fader, an expert in the celebrations industry. As Sr. Marketing Manager for Punchbowl, Inc, she writes about celebrations, party planning, and the many practical uses of evolving technology, such as the use of free Christmas eCards.

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About Dianne Weller

Proud Owner of I’ve been in the business of buying Christmas decorations and gifts since the early 1980’s. Our web site,, was launched in 1999. Now, 20 years later, we’re proud to say we’re the largest seller of personalized ornaments on the Internet!

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