Give Kids a Little Extra Back to School Attention: 4 Fun Surprises

Use these ideas to plan a nice surprise for your child if they’re nervous for going back to school!

A yellow school bus ornament with three school kids and a bus driver. | OrnamentShop,.com The thought of going back to school might excite your kids because there’s so much to look forward to! They get to see all the friends they’ve missed over the summer, after all.

But on the other hand, I can understand any child who is also nervous to go back after such a long break. They will have a lot less play time, and will have to do homework again.

Whether you notice one of your kids seems to dread going back to school, or if you think your kid might be feeling down for reasons unrelated to back to school, I came up with a few ideas for you to help cheer them up!

1. Show up unexpected to an activity or event.

There’s nothing quite like a surprise when mom or dad (or both!) show up unexpectedly to give a hug. You could time this for a moment that will be extra surprising, such as a place and time you previously couldn’t make but managed to pull some strings. Otherwise, taking your child out of school a little early once the year starts to do something special could be nice for just once.

2. Ask which special treat is their favorite then take them out alone.

A Hershey Kiss ornament that can be personalized for names, dates and brief messages. | OrnamentShop.cConsider setting aside some quality one-on-one time. A good idea is to ask your child what their favorite treat would be, and then to take them on an outing for it.

It could be ice cream, doughnuts, pizza, or candy, and the treat will be just for the two of you.

3. Surprise them with a special gift.

A surprise gift can help distract a child from their worry. In this case, I would make sure the gift has a deeper meaning but isn’t necessarily something they asked for. The idea is for them to realize they are just as worthy of a gift, and that gifts are given out of love and not “just because.”

A kids-themed keepsake would be a nice token to give your kids to represent how proud you are that they made it to a whole new grade! All of our ornaments can be personalized with names, dates and brief messages, so they can look back on their specific accomplishments come Christmas time.

4. Help introduce them to new friends.

A ball ornament that comes in it's own box reads 'fiends are the best presents.' | OrnamentShop.comOne common problem with children over the summer is that they might be feeling lonely. When mom and dad are busy or seem to be giving most of their attention to other siblings, you can help by making sure your kids have strong outside friendships to feel like they’re included.

You can schedule a play date with other parents or encourage your child to explore new social groups like a soccer team, craft club, or a girl or boy scout troop now that fall clubs and sports will be accessible through school.


How are your kids feeling about going back to school? Tell us in the comments below!

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