Inexpensive Homemade Christmas Gift Ideas

Our article discussing inexpensive homemade Christmas gifts had some ideas we wanted to share with you.   You might laugh at the old coupon book, but they are actually valued!  Perhaps you would like one from the kids that include taking out the garbage, bringing their dirty clothes down and emptying the dishwasher, but done without complaining!  My husband would like a coupon book to cook his favorite dish, give him a back rub or sew that button back on his shirt.  Having your child make a coupon book for their teacher would be treasured.  Teachers receive many gifts that are repetitious, but having someone wipe the board after school or help clean up would be so appreciated.

As for homemade food gifts, you can supervise your kids in making chocolate truffles, which are very easy to make, and kids love rolling the truffle center in sugar. If you don’t have much time to bake, participate in a cookie swap where you only have to make one type of cookie yet can exchange for many different varieties.  If you make a dessert that you receive a lot of compliments on, those make great gifts.  Zucchini, banana, and carrot breads also are appreciated as gifts.

Another sentimental idea is for kids to make a plaster mold of their hands or do it in ink on paper.  They could also make bookends by tracing their hands onto wood and gluing them to metal bookends.  Enjoy our  article and instructions titled “Creative Christmas Gifts for Children to Make” to learn how to make these and other gifts.

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