3 Tips To Make Your New Year’s Resolutions Stick

Use these 3 tips to help make this year’s New Year’s Resolutions stick!

Sticking to your list of New Year’s Resolutions can be a tough task, especially if your list is just as long as your Christmas shopping list. Nearly half of all Americans make New Year’s Resolution goals, but only 8% of them follow-through with their pledge.

Along with the after-holiday lull, not being able to keep up with your New Year’s Resolutions can lead to anxiety and a lack of motivation. After your Christmas ornaments and holiday decorations are put away for the season, the frustration of not following a diet regiment or not using a gym membership can make the rest of the winter months feel helpless. However, with a proper schedule and motivation, your New Year’s Resolutions will become easier to obtain!

I’ve always enjoyed New Year celebrations because it’s a great time to reflect on the past year. When you make promises to yourself, the upcoming year will be even better than the last! Every year I try my best to make a few New Year’s Resolutions for the upcoming year.

Most of us are all too familiar with the New Year’s Resolutions cycle. You’re all ready to start keeping up with your resolutions in January only to find yourself unmotivated by the beginning of February. That’s why I’ve put together this list of a few tips to help make this year’s New Year’s Resolutions stick!

Don’t Get Frustrated

Don't Get Frustrated | OrnamentShop.com
Always remember that perfection is unattainable. It’s okay to have minor missteps along the way of achieving any goal because no one is perfect. It’s important that when you do have a misstep that you don’t completely give up on yourself because you ate a cookie and broke your diet, or you forgot to go to the gym one night because you were sick or busy. Everyone has their ups and downs and makes mistakes, but it’s how you recover from those mistakes that will help you get back on track to accomplish your goals.

Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Help

Don't Be Afraid To Ask For Help | OrnamentShop.com
You should never be afraid to ask someone for help. Be sure to share some of your experiences with your family and friends, and maybe even consider joining a support group, such as a workout class at your gym to help you reach your goals.

Learn to ask for help and to accept help from those people who care about you. This will help strengthen your overall morale and will help you manage stress related to your New Year’s Resolutions.

Work Towards One Goal At A Time

Work Towards One Goal At A Time | OrnamentShop.com
Trying to accomplish all of your New Year’s Resolutions at one time can get overwhelming and unhealthy. Don’t overwhelm yourself and think you need to accomplish everything you set out to do in the first month of the year. Instead, work towards accomplishing one goal at a time and take it slow.

Do you have any tips of your own that helped your New Year’s Resolutions stick? We’d love to hear about them in the comments below!

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